The best exercise to alleviate knee pain

People complain of knee pain all the time. For many, it is a case of intermittent pain, a sharp pain or slight discomfort experienced now and then. Then there is the chronic pain, which can wear down the knee structure over time, require constant medication and eventually surgery. This you want to avoid; the “letting go” of the issue for so long that arthritis sets in and surgery is required. Often times the cause of intermittent knee pain is due to a muscle imbalance in the quadriceps or thigh muscles. The quads are made up of four muscles, and often because of how we move on a regular basis and the daily activities, the muscles on the outer sides of the thighs are stronger and take on the load. That means, the smaller muscles on the more interior portions of the leg, like the vastus medialis, are weaker and therefore less able to hold the knee in line for proper tracking. The Vastus medialis is not used as much in lateral movement, which is usu...