Practice These 5 Yoga Poses to Boost Your Energy

We all lead crazy busy lives nowadays, and energy can often be hard to come by. Many of us turn to coffee or energy drinks for an energy boost to get through the day, but did you know there’s a natural alternative? Yep, you guessed it… yoga!

They are great to practice in the morning when you are getting ready for the day ahead. 

5 Yoga Poses to Give You an Energy Boost

1. Easy Pose With an Arch (Sukhasana)

Adding an arch to your Easy Pose is a great way to bring some vital life energy into a seated posture. You can practice this variation after a morning meditation to lift your spirits and brighten your day.

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  • Sit up tall and distribute your weight evenly on both sits bones and the bottom of your pelvis
  • Cross your shins in front of your body and flex your feet under your knees to protect your joints
  • Place your fingertips on the ground behind you with your fingers and elbows facing away from your body
  • On an inhale, press into the ground with your fingertips and bring your back into an arch, looking up, and reaching the chest upwards
  • Hold for 3-5 breaths and bring your body back to sitting upright on an exhale

2. Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana)

Although this is simple and does not require a backbend, this pose can be very uplifting and energizing. It helps you to combat stiffness, and is a great pose to do when you get out of bed in the morning.

  • Stand tall and evenly on both of your feet in Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
  • On an inhale, raise your arms up towards the ceiling, palms facing each other, and look up
  • Engage your arms and fingertips to bring energy up to your hands
  • Hold for 3-5 breaths and bring your hands back down by your sides on an exhal

3. Low Cobra (Ardha Bhujangasana)

This gentle backbend will not only give you energy, but it will also strengthen your back muscles. This is a great one to do as a part of your warm-up as well, since it’s not quite as deep of a backbend as some of the other poses.

  • Come onto your stomach, and place your forehead on the ground
  • Place your palms flat on the floor on either side of your ribs with your elbows pointed upwards
  • On an inhale, lift your head and shoulders up off the ground using the upper back muscles (keep very little weight in your hands)
  • Keep your hands light on the ground, and keep the tops of your feet down on the floor behind you
  • On your exhale, lower your head back down onto the floor and repeat 3-4 times

4. Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

This energizing pose will get you moving and bring a lot of warmth to your body. You can practice this pose if you are looking to strengthen your back, hamstrings, and glutes.

  • Come onto your stomach and rest your forehead on the mat, and relax the arms down by your side with palms face-down by your hips
  • On an inhale, lift your head, arms, legs, and feet off the ground. Energetically reach your hands back towards your feet, and stretch your feet towards the back of the mat
  • You should feel the muscular work coming from your back, hamstrings, and glutes
  • Hold for several deep breaths, and release everything back down with an exhale
  • Repeat 3-4 times

5. Full Cobra (Bhujangasana)

This is a deeper variation of Low Cobra Pose. In addition to giving you that much-needed energy boost, this is also a great stretch for the front of the body.

  • Set up for Low Cobra Pose
  • On an inhale, press into the ground with your hands, and lift your entire torso off the ground to come into a backbend
  • Continue to press into the ground with your hands, and use this energy to spread your shoulders away from each other
  • Look slightly up and forward
  • The tops of your legs are on the ground and energized with muscular activation
  • Hold for 3-5 deep breaths



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